Friday, June 8, 2007

The debate that could have been, but wasn't.

This Thursday 7 of June, competing student leaders had the opportunity to attend the National Assembly of Venezuela (the congress of the country) to expose their ideas on the motivations of the protests that have affected the country soon of the aim of the concession of RCTV. Also, bolivarianos student young people attended to give their own impressions.Although the opponents had originally requested a debate, in this occasion went to the place with red franelas (put them by own decision) and, after making an intervention and clearing them to it in revolt signal, they left the enclosure without wanting to debate with chavistas his contrapartes.Nevertheless, the day was described as historical and a forceful victory for the chavistas forces. In a country accused of dictatorial, the competing students attended to the maximum legislative enclosure of the country, expressed their ideas and soon they went by own decision, although the invitation was to debate with the chavistas students in equality of conditions, in a debate that was transmitted in national chain of radio and television where they said to million people everything to him what they wanted.They do not lose the review of Carlchucho, that was in the place working arduously. Next I leave all the interventions them of the students, as much of a side as of the other.
Introduction of Cilia Flowers
Douglas Districts (competing, Univ. Metropolitan)
Andreína Tarazon (bolivariano, UCV)
John Goicochea (competing, UCAB; after their speech the opponents go away)
Robert Serra (bolivariano, UCAB)
Freedom Velasco (Bolivariana, UCV)
Yahir Muñoz (bolivariano, USM)
Caesar Trompiz (bolivariano, UBV)
Mayerling Aryan (bolivariana, UBV)
Manuel Dum (bolivariano, UNEXPO)
Osly Hernandez (bolivariana, UCV)
Eder Dugarte (bolivariano, Licero Bolivariano Eduardo Cream)
Hector Rodriguez (bolivariano, UCV) was the one that denounced the one of ARS Publicity. Inluye hymn and aim of the chainThe bolivarianos students left and celebrated, whereas the opponents were accompanied and protected by the Metropolitan Police and the National Guard until a safe place, since the Legislative Federal Palace were surrounded by hundreds of compatible people the revolutionary process who tooted and booed the opponents.One of the student leaders, Stalin González, could not enter because it arrived late. Other interesting things happened very in the outside from the building to hands of a journalist but very altered, according to a journalist of Avila caught TV. Cilia deputy Flowers also had her own collision with the right press, that knew to handle very well.The competing students soon did a press conference twisting some of the things that had requested originally. On the other hand, President Chávez invited the ten bolivarianos young people who took part to a special act, where congratulated them and he called "the ten heroes".The lamentable thing in all this is the attitude of the main competing digital means, News Digital and Noticias24, which have attacked several of the young people, having published the direction and the telephone of Andreína Tarazón and Héctor Rodriguez. Noticias24 calls "ladronzuela" to Andreína in a holder, of a form that violates its dignity like woman. This explained Mario Silva in the Hojilla. All this because Andreína took a leaf that left to Douglas Districts in the lectern so, and seems that that leaf served to discover that the speech of Districts had been advised by ARS Publicity, a well-known Venezuelan agency.

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