Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lincoln and Chavez I - or later for Teodoro's Complaint.

The tired old new left was/is always hung up on "process" instead of "results".

What matters is that the army not become an instrument of counter revolution. The people voted for a revolution!

Abraham Lincoln disregarded constitutional norms (the United States were and are plural, so said and so says the US Constitution) when he had to.

Thank God he did, he just didn't do enough of it.

How's this for a constitutional catch 22 - the secessionist states never legally seceded (supposedly) but were not allowed to re enter the Union unless they voluntarily ratified the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution.

Had this not happened we might still have slavery here in the US.

Because it did not happen thoroughly enough we ended up with Jim Crow and the Ku Klux Klan.

So congratulations to President Chavez for telling his army officers that they are either for the revolution or they ought to resign. Later for the oppositionists like Teodoro Petkoff and his bullshit complaint squealing about niceties. Niceties never bothered the right wing before. The people voted rojo rojito, Teodoro and rojo rojito Venezuela shall be.

When push came to shove niceties didn't bother Abraham Lincoln either!

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