Friday, May 4, 2007

Rudolf, or Rudolph or Rudy or Rudi Giuliani Jumps On The Anti-Venezuela Bandwagon (So, What Else Is New?)

That long time showboater R. Giuliani, the man who put New York City's Emergency nerve center in the main known target for "terrorism" (The World Trade Center) and then ordered that kerosene be stored in that building against the advice of his Fire Department, (Seven World Trade Center), the man who did not want to spend money so that his Fire Department and Police Department could communicate with each other via radio, the man who gave the world Bernard Kerik, his one time body guard and driver, convict , Giuliani police commissioner, (and what else?) to be in charge of the United States' Homeland Security, the man who could not beat Hillary Clinton in his own city, the man who announced his divorce and adulterous affair on television so that his children and could suffer public humiliation, ,the man who says he slept on the sofa in a homosexual supporter's home after his wife kicked him out, the man who never met a politcal fence he wouldn't first try to straddle is now (after taking money from Venezuela) talking about a Venezuelan threat to the United States of America.

What a joke! If the United States' people were not so easily tricked it would be funny. Giuliani, to be even considered a Presidential candidate of any seriousness is all the proof anyone needs that the American people can be tricked, tricked and tricked again.

"Hindsight is 20-20, as Giuliani has intoned since leaving office and building a multi-million dollar consulting business. But one wonders what the pugnacious Giuliani would be saying if a rival had been mayor on 9/11. What if anyone but the self-involved Giuliani had built a highly publicized multi-million dollar emergency command post near a known terrorist target? What if after being warned for years that New York City was subject to sudden attack, that person never upgraded the fire department’s communication equipment or devised a citywide evacuation plan? What if that person had installed a 6,000-gallon diesel fuel tank at 7 World Trade Center, which became the only steel-reinforced high-rise to fall in a fire? Would Giuliani be saying that in placing large tanks of diesel fuel at 7 World Trade Center, that person had destroyed his own bunker and helped to bring an entire building down?"

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